A Across USA

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Car Transport Texas

Finding Quality Car Transport in Texas

As a used car dealer, you probably get the bulk of your inventory from the various car auctions. There was a time when for a few bucks you could hire guys to drive them back to your lot. With all of the changes in the laws using this kind of car transport in Texas is no longer an option, you have to put the drivers on the payroll and pay taxes on them.

Instead of going through all of this, you can save both time and money hiring a car carrier service to handle your Texas car transport needs. At A Across USA we can help you with this as we have over 1,000 carefully prescreened auto carrier services on our roster that will get all the cars you have purchased from the auction lot back to your used car dealership in one load and deliver them intact with no more mileage on them than when you bought them.
