A Across USA

Friday, May 6, 2011

Auto Transport

Is It Cheaper to Drive or Hire an Auto Transport Company?

"I am getting ready to move my family all the way across the country and I want to know if I should drive my car or if it would be cheaper to hire an auto transport company to transfer my car to my new home." If you are going to move your family across the country you are going to have consider several factors before you can make your decision starting with cost. With gasoline at $4 or more per gallon you will be spending hundreds of dollars on fuel alone.

Along with this you will need to add in the cost of food and lodging on the road, wear and tear on your car and how you are going to handle things you get into an accident. Compare all of this to the cost of flying to your new home and having an auto transport company deliver your car safe and sound to your new home. Once you look at the differences, contact us at A Across USA and let us arrange for your auto transport and enjoy your flight.
